Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rock concert

Miguel is a young cinematographer. I hosted him in Paris this summer before he went to the Cannes film festival.

He invited me to a concert in a rock bar in Condesa (Caradura) where he was playing with his band, Linger. Here are some pictures. I want to thank all the very friendly people I met there, it was great fun !

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bomberos (firemen) truck

Les amateurs apprécieront.

L'Alliance Française

L'Alliance Française is located at the metrobus stop La Bombilla.
They are other Alliance Française in DF, see the map.

Alliance Française Mexico

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A 50 pesos (3 euros) menu

At the nearby little restaurant, crowded every afternoon since a lot of people working around go to eat there, the menu costs 50 pesos (or sometime 55 if you take the expensive dishes).

Here is this afternoon lunch :

Soup containing mostly carrots and christophine

A plate of rice.

That´s the round thing covered with frijoles and cheese.

Pollo en pasilla
That is chicken covered by a black sauce with black beans and nopal. It's a little bit piquante.

Typical menu of the El comal y la olla